Monday, July 18, 2011

Hand and Stone featured on 15 Minute Beauty Fanatic blog

Hand & Stone was recently featured in a blog post on the 15 Minute Beauty Fanatic blog, titled “Dealing With The Sun: A Few Mid-Summer Skin Care Tips.” The article discusses how people are more likely to be out in the sun as the temperatures continue to climb, and since they’re spending more time outdoors, they should be mindful of the effects of exposing their skin to harmful UV rays. The sunscreen tips included keeping skin hydrated, applying sunscreen and an after-exposure anti-oxidant. Click here to view the full article!

Dealing With The Sun: A Few Mid-Summer Skin Care Tips

I recently had the chance to ask Todd Leff, CEO of Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa a few questions about coping with the intense mid-summer sun on skin. I love hearing other people's perspective (especially when they pretty much have the same priorities as me: protecting and soothing the skin), and I always hear about new products.

Do you recommend clients do anything other than just sunscreen to prepare for time in the sun?

Yes, over 90% of the population’s skin is dehydrated year round, so particularly in the summer we encourage an increased amount of hydration to keep the skin from looking dull and dry as a result of the summer’s heat coupled with the exposure to the environment more in the summer, i.e. sun and wind. The best known hydrator in cosmetic technology is hyaluronic acid. This miracle hydrator can increase the skin’s hydration levels immensely and maintain the moisture throughout the day, preventing dehydration. Most companies have such a small amount of hyaluronic acid in their moisturizers that it doesn’t provide the best results. ClarityRx 100% Hyaluronic Acid Serum is a pharmaceutical-grade hydrating serum that is ideal for all skin types and all ages. Just a drop will do to maintain a youthful, dewey looking skin.

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