Hand & Stone was recently featured in an article in the
Old Northeast-Downtown St. Pete Patch, titled
“5 Summertime Tips for Protecting Your Skin.” The article discusses how people are more likely to be out in the sun as the temperatures continue to climb, and since they’re spending more time outdoors they should be mindful of the effects of exposing their skin to harmful UV rays. Mark King, owner of
Hand & Stone in St. Petersburg, Fla., shared the top five tips to take care of your skin this summer. The tips included exfoliating, staying hydrated, using sunscreen, applying cooling gels after a sunburn and repairing damage through regular facials. Click
here to view the full article!
5 Summertime Tips for Protecting Your SkinST. PETERSBURG - As temperatures rise and St. Petersburg residents prepare to spend hours in the sun, exposing their skin to harmful UV rays, it’s crucial to be mindful of how to minimize the effects of prolonged sun exposure.
Not only can the sun cause painful sunburns, rashes or even cancer, it is also the top cause for signs of aging.
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